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How to Make a Metal Wire Flower Vase

Views : 856
Update time : 2019-04-29 10:44:36

The collusion of metal and cup can invent because a lovely, however interesting slice can nearly any room of your home. Spice up a unfold cup vase with wire mesh covering ought compose a only slice that will naturally be the song of conversation.


1) standard the height and width/circumference of the vase/jar(s). Add 1” ought the height and 2” ought the width/circumference. standard twice and chop once!

2) shift measurements ought your metal screening using your pen. count using a straight verge ought hold lines straight.

3) chop metal ought size. By adding additional material, you ought dine some overlap nearly the width and height of the vase/jar.
  • Remove/cut acute edges, specially can the sumit and bottom of the vase/jar.
  • Hold metal nearly the vase/jar.

4) bind metal can place. wind ribbon or yarn among openings can metal skin ought bind the metal into attitude nearly the vase/jar.
  • Tie it tightly enough accordingly that the metal is accordingly snug that it won’t impress or glide off the vase/jar.

5) Finished.